Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dearest Darling Potential Suitor,
Spending the majority of the evening whispering sweet nothings in my ear during a party is fabulous. Turning into a pumpkin at midnight by announcing loudly "I have to get going. It's my girlfriend's birthday tomorrow. I have to be a gentleman" is not.

I went to a casual high school reunion this weeked in Las Vegas. These things are always fraught with anxiety for me. (I'm sure they are for everyone, but this is my blog) If you ask ME what I was like in my awkward geeky teen years, I will tell you that I was awkward and geeky. Glasses, braces, too tall, boobs too big, never felt like I fit in---you know the deal.

(The crowd at this gathering was not my crowd in school, but I really enjoy people and there were a few people who I was really interested in seeing, so I packed up the Volvo and headed off to Vegas.)

Turns out I had a fabulous time! I drove over to the house with my 9th grade crush (hadn't seen him since 1986, but we've chatted on the phone in recent years), hugged & kissed a bunch of men & women  I hadn't seen in forever and then I saw that really cute football player I had a math class with for like 2 years. OMG! Still just as cute, even if a little grey and just a little slicker and laying it on kinda thick, but whatever. So, we chatted, we danced, we flirted, wanted to know what hotel I was staying in, etc etc.

And ...well... I think the first paragraph tells the end of the story. SMH....

Throwing down the penalty flag for personal foul,
Kitten With A Wisk